what is happening in cuba right now

If you don't know what is going on this is for you. This post is going to be about : Cubans are being starved right at this moment Cubans have been subjected to a severe system for the past 61 years, which has resulted in a lack of freedom of expression, voting rights, starvation, and a pandemic. Not only are Cubans starved from food they are starved from their freedom, that every citizen is meant to have. Cuba is going through inflation rates as well (this means, "the rate at which prices increase over time, resulting in a fall in the purchasing value of money"). Here are some examples : - Rice at normal rate costs 5 Cuban pesos : But as of June 2021 the cost has increased by 300% to over 20 Cuban pesos - Beans usually cost about 10-12 Cuban pesos : But as of June 2021 the cost has increased by 108.3% to just about 18-25 pesos The ordinary Cuban cannot afford a months wor...