India's second wave

 If you don't know what is going on this is for you.

This post is about :

India's cry for help because of the biggest covid outbreak in the world.

India is experiencing the worst covid outbreak in history, they have just hit 17 million cases, and have about 300k+ new cases every single day. New Delhi has recorded an equivalent of 1 death every 5 minutes because of covid. 

India's healthcare system is overwhelmed at its max because of the main reason of relaxed protocol

There is not enough hospital bed, oxygen, or ventilators. . The infections and death rates are 2-5x. Places like America are privileged enough to get the vaccine quickly, but less developed countries like India don't have this privilege. 

Take the story of Rajeshwarie Devi :
Devi was 58 and died on Sunday after waiting for 2 whole days to get uninterrupted oxygen, an ambulance, and a bed in a covid - 19 hospital. She was waiting and trying as hard as she could to get as much air as she could, but by the time help arrived it was too late. 
She was taken to an emergency room on the 16th of April after her oxygen saturation level dropped. On her CT scan, it was evident that during this time she developed severe pneumonia, (Pneumonia is an infection that causes the air sacs in your lungs to become inflamed. The air sacs can become clogged with fluid or pus, resulting in symptoms including coughing, fever, chills, and difficulty breathing.) But without her Covid report, the hospital was never able to admit her. She had to spend 36 hours in the emergency room on oxygen support. The staff at this hospital told her family that they were running low on oxygen and that she needs to go to a bigger hospital, but they could not promise there to be a bed. So the family took her in their car and drove to the hospital, and a bed was available because of a politician. In the car, she had no oxygen support, so minutes before she could reach and be admitted to the hospital she passed. 

Her story is proof that India needs help internationally. During this second wave, the numbers have skyrocketed. Last year on June 18th, India recorded about 11,000 cases and in the next 60 days, it added another 35,000 new cases on average every day.

Then on the 10th of February, which was at the start of the second wave, India confirmed 11,000 cases but in the next 50 days, the average per day was up to 22,000 cases. But it doesn't stop there, after another 10 days the cases shot up even more, with an average of 89,800 cases per day.  

This is BBC's report for India's cases, the comparison between the first wave versus the second. 

In March 2021, cases began rapidly increasing across the country as religious festivals and political rallies. This caused an increase in maskless citizens because of the relaxed rules. Places like Crematoriums are filled because of the death of people because of covid. At least 2,000 people are dying from Covid every single day. New Dehli having the biggest impact. 

But exactly why does this matter?
- Many in the US and other countries are getting their population vaccinated so quickly or they are celebrating because they presume it is the near "end of the pandemic" 
    * But in countries in the Global South, the pandemic is worse than ever before just like India right  here 
    * As countries close their borders to travel to and from India, the situation is terrible 
- India is in huge need of international help. You can help.

India is short of :
- Hospital beds
- Oxygen supply
- Ventilators 
- Life-saving drugs like remdesivir 
- Vaccines (this is despite them being the world's biggest vaccine manufacturer) 

Ways to help :
- Share the news and bring it to people who can donate
- Stay educated, websites like this one are here to help educate you so use them and widen your knowledge

I pray for everyone affected by covid, and I wish you all the best. The world will come back. 

Stay safe and take care. 


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