Holocaust remembrance day

If you don't know what is going on this is for you :

This post is going to be about :

              "The International Holocaust Remembrance Day" 

What is Holocaust Remembrance Day :
International Day of commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust is on 27th January. Although this is a day late it is important to highlight the repercussions of the Holocaust, to remember those lost and hurt during this genocide of the Jews. This is an annual memorial day that brings to light the victims of the Holocaust. The Holocaust wiped out one-third of the Jewish People, as well as other minorities all through the years of 1933 and 1945 by Nazi Germany. 

What was the Holocaust? 
It took place in Auschwitz. 

The Holocaust was a section in History during the time of World War II which took place during 1939-1945. During the Holocaust millions of Jews, Muslims, Disabled, Elderly, and Roma (gypsies) were brutally tormented and killed just because of who they are or where they came from. This was all carried out by Adolf Hitler's Nazi party in Germany. Although there were other minorities in the Holocaust, the Nazi's primary target was the Jews, who accounted for the majority of the fatalities. In Europe, nearly 7 out of 10 Jews were murdered due to their ethnicity. 

The Nazis also arrested and took away the rights of other groups, such as LGBT individuals and political opponents. As a result of the treatment in the camp. The treatments were traumatic the main one being gas chambers, camp prisoners had to strip their clothes and stand in a room where carbon monoxide came out of vents to kill groups of people mainly those disabled, and Jews. Many camps have had gas chambers constructed, for mass murder, either carbon monoxide or Zyklon B, which were used in 5 killing centers. 

The Holocaust's sole purpose was to wipe out as many Jews as possible, they took people away from their families, tested on them, tormented them, abused them, put them in gas chambers, raped them, made them do harsh labor, all to end up killing them in the end. 

Women during the Holocaust: 
Female prisoners were housed separately in specific camps and regions inside the concentration camps. The SS established Ravensbrück, the largest Nazi concentration camp for women, in May 1939. By the time Soviet soldiers seized Ravensbrück in 1945, the camp had housed almost 100,000 women. 

* " In 1942, SS authorities created Auschwitz II to imprison women. "
* " The SS transferred thousands of Jewish female prisoners from Ravensbrück and Auschwitz to Bergen-Belsen during the last year of World War II. "

Why is it so important to bring into account this event and remember those lost?
Since 2005, the United Nations and its member nation have staged remembrance events to mark the freeing of the Nazi concentration and to remember the 6 million Jewish Holocaust victims and millions of other Nazi victims. This remembrance is vital for 
* the victims of the Nazi government 
* to educate everyone on the Holocaust, what it did to innocent people, and how times still haven't changed as concentration camps still exist but in different forms. 

This Holocaust took place only 77 years ago but we learn of it as if it were hundreds of years ago. Innocent people were murdered, taken away from their families solely because of their origin. It is important to learn about our world and the racism that is visible everywhere. 

References :

Ways to educate yourself :

It is so important to remember those who were lost during this terrible event in time, it is also vital to understand the importance of educating yourself and others. As there is nothing you can do now to change the past you can always do something to change the future. 

- Regards, Saleena 


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