Affordability of health care

 If you don't know what is going on this is for you :

This post is going to be about :

                " The true affordability of good health care "

What is altering the ability of affording good health care?
There are many aspects as to what causes the inability to have acess to good health care.
 A major injury or a health issue that necessitates emergency care and/or an expensive treatment plan without health insurance coverage can result in poor credit or even bankruptcy. But being able to afford health care in countries that do not offer it for free is extremly difficult. In America 1 in 5 American's cannot afford nesessary care. With a survey done by MedCityNews, shows that 46 million Americans (which makes up about 1/5th of Americans) cannot afford health care. Which therefore leads to them cutting off other necessary human needs to pay for it, and yet, years after still are in debt. 

Further into pricing of health care and how the affects citizens: 
Healthcare is getting increasingly pricey, with 18% of Americans claiming they would be unable to pay the care they require in a recent survey (by MedCityNews) . In order to finance healthcare, respondents said they had to cut back on other expenses, such as food and utilities. When cutting out on healthy food it really brings into account the lack of a good diet, which leads them into the hospital more times than not.

"But why can't people just eat healthy then?" As the ongoing question reucurs, healthy food is extremely expensive more than average citizens can afford. Food sources like fast food resteraunts are more accesibile, they are located more covieniently and are much less expensive, which when you are a college student, or a person without the best economic stability seems to suffice enough for you. This therefore leads to worse health. For instance, Mcdonalds alone in 2020 has 13,673 outlets in just America as shown by, whereas a healthier option like Chipotle (in comparision), has only 2,960 outlets in all of America as shown by As you can see Mcdonalds vs Chiptole not only has a difference of 10,713 outlets, the price of a meal in Mcdonalds (drink, food, and fries) can cost $5.99, whereas only chicken bowl can cost up $6.50 and a steak bowl can cost upto $7.50. This further shows how if you don't have accesibility to money or a healthy option close to you have no other choice but to eat whats near you. As for cooking, just buying groceries has a cost of about $412 a month, which not many people can afford in the first place. 

What are the types of health care?
There are many types of health care, some more accesibile than others. There are 2 main types of health care, mental and physical, which are generally unaccessibile to people maily because of wealth, status, beliefs, and education. But the type of health that needs to be focused on now more more than ever is : Mental health

Mental health accessibility : 

What restrics mental health treatment? 
* fear of stigmatization 
* the lack of education and/or awarness of the causes and harms of mental health issues 
* lack of services 
* lack of financial support 
All of this and more limits the ability of patients to have access to mental health facilties. Mental health is a serious issue, it harms children from as young as 14 years old. Things like depression, anxiety, BPD (borderline personality disorder), OCD (obessive-compusion disorder), or even selective mutism, affects the way children grow and adapt to society. When children start to go through symptoms, and have the inability to get tested or even treated, there are serious reprecussions that take place things like:
* drug consumption
* alcohol consumption 
* ruining of relationships 
* difficulty to overcome illnesses 
and more. 
But it is not necessarily just finances that ristrict the ability to get tested and/or treated, as stated previously. Things like beliefs, certain cultures or the way parents were brought up creates this stigmitization, that things like depression or anxiety are not real. Depression is known as "sadness", and anxiety is known as "nervousness", when in reality that is just the top of the iceberg. All of these beliefs merge together and instead of accepting and helping the children it makes them worse. 

Resources to help :

a donation site to help children and women pay for a better life [it is called CARE "CARE has been working in India for over 70 years, for the upliftment of marginalised women and girls through 53 programmes in 18 states and 130+ districts"] (89% of donations go to the cause) 

- it is also very important to use websites like this to help educate yourself and others on situations of this world, it is very important that people are aware of the reprecussions caused by lack of health care. 

Cites / References :
costs of groceries on average [and how to manage your money on groceries] 


Remember to be grateful for what you do have, because it is always important to identify that if you are in a situation where you have good health care, you have good finances, and you have accepting families you are luckier than most. It is so important to help whoever you can even by simply being there for them, or helping with finances (if you can). Remember to stay safe and stay educated.

- Saleena <3  


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