Hate crimes against Asians

 If you don't know what is going on this is for you.

TW: killing, abuse, unjust, sexual desires. 

This post is about how:

"Anti-Asian Hate Crime Crosses Racial and Ethnic Lines "

    Asians have been hated on for centuries, but now it is worse than ever, after COVID 19 people have been blaming Asians for it, calling it the "Kung flu" or "the Asian flu" as a form of blaming them for the virus. But even before COVID 19 people have been making fun of Asians and physically abusing them in countless ways, such as pulling the side of your eyes as a way to mimic Asians, and make fun of them, pushing them into trains, killing them with no remorse or reason just plain hatred, and even hurting elderly people just because they are Asian. They have also stereotyped them in hurtful and biased ways such as calling them "yellow Asians" [Europeans have referred to East Asians as white up until the 18th century. But in the 19th century, this perception slowly but surely gave a quiet description as "yellow", in travel books and stories, and that is where it originated from.]

    As of the most recent horrific Asian hate crime, Robert Aaron Long was accused of murdering 8 people, this is inclusive of 6 Asian American women, at 3 different spas, in the Atlanta metropolitan area as of last week [the week of the 14th of March 2021]. This man became a self-described sex addict, and as of yet he has not been charged with committing a hate crime, this is all despite the significant demands and dispute of countless people from the Asian community. 

    Long had even told the police that he himself went on this killing spree to finish his sexual "temptations" or desires, not to target the Asian community. Robert Aaron Long when taken to court his law enforcement official told the court that "Yesterday was a really bad day for him and this is what he did". They justified his vile action because he was having a "bad day", he killed 8 people 6 of which were Asians in 3 different spas as a way to fulfill his sexual desires against Asian women, he killed them because he was having a "bad day". That will never justify his actions as a whole. 

    For those who don't fully understand what a hate crime is, defined by the FBI. It is a bias-motivated offense that is against a certain group of people, because of their race, skin color, religion, disability, the person of which they love, ethnicity, gender, or the gender they identify themselves as. 

    I pray that one day our generation will make a difference and end this hate, and I pray that every single person affected by this hate gets the justice they deserve. I send my regards to the families affected by these vile actions. Stay safe. 

Dawn Cheung and Victoria Do clap and cheer while listening to speakers during a protest against anti-Asian hate crimes at Hing Hay Park in the Chinatown-International District of Seattle, Washington, March 13, 2021.

Petitions to sign against Asian hate crimes:

End Hate Crimes Against Asian Americans

Raising Awareness & Ending Hate Crimes Towards the Asian Community

Create tough penalties for racially motivated hate crimes in Canada.


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