Hijab ban in France.

If you don't know what is going on this is for you.

This post is about :

"French ban on full-face Islamic veil violates human rights "

Muslims have been oppressed for years, but France has taken it too far. The French Senate just banned girls that are under the age of 18, along with mothers joining their kids on school trips from wearing hijabs to school. The French propose to ban girls under the age of 18 to wear a hijab, although the proposal still has to go through the national assembly, this ban in the first place is a complete violation of basic human rights as a whole.  

Just to understand how bad this really is, western countries like France are forcing women to take off their hijab. The hijab is part of their culture and religion, it is how Muslims show modesty. This is not only a form of control it is a anti-Muslim hate. They are forcing minor girls (under the age of 18 makes you a minor) to become vulnerable and be forced to reveal their bodies against their will, further showing how it is a violation of human rights. 

This ban has been going on for years since about 2010, and it needs to come to the media. Under this ban, anyone who is to wear a "full-face veil" (niqab, hijab, or burka, niqab covers most of the face except the eyes, a hijab covers the head, and burka covers the whole face and head) they are liable to be fined 150 euros, which is about 170$ or lessons in French citizenship. 

In 2010 France passed the law that stops people from wearing clothes that could be covering their faces. This is incredibly unfair to the Muslim community and should be stopped, women should be free to wear whatever they want, or feel comfortable in. Muslim women feel comfortable wearing niqabs and hijabs, and it is unfair for it to be taken away from them.  

I hope that Muslims living in France get their rightful justice to be able to wear whatever they feel comfortable in and be able to express their culture and modesty how they wish. 

petitions to sign: 


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