Victim blaming in Pakistan

 If you don't know what is going on this is for you.

This post is about: 

" Imran Khan criticized for rape 'victim blaming' "-BBC

Pakistan's prime minister, Imran Khan, was in a live interview and was asked about what steps his government had taken to prevent sexual abuse. He was shutting down the allegations against women and children, he said that this sexual violence was because of "increasing obscenity" and that "in any society where vulgarity is prevalent, there are consequences." He is justifying rape, by the clothes women wear. Not only is he blaming women for being raped, but he is also blaming their clothing choice as a way to justify men, for their vile actions. He believes that women in Pakistan should take away "temptation" just because "not everyone has will power". He is letting the oppressors go and blames the victims as if it were their fault, which it never was and never will be. 

This is not the first time the Prime Minister has said such a thing. There is a clear pattern in his statements, which is evident in his own views on the topic of rape and sexual violence. These views that he has stated previously are damaging views. Such statements also call into the whole question of "anti-rape" initiatives held by the government itself.  

These statements link to the crime of rape, which would be a crime of power and control, by using "temptation" and "obscenity". This reflects his understanding of the causes of rape and or sexual violence. It in a way dehumanizes men as no self-controlled rapists. This generalization causes an effect on victims, oppressors, and innocent men. This increases the idea that it is okay to subject survivors to more trauma. Creating an unsafe environment for victims to come to for help, or to share their stories. 

The motorway gang rape: This case happened in September 2020, a Pakistani-French mother and her 2 other children were parked on the side of a highway near Lahore, they were waiting for help because they ran out of fuel. 2 Men broke into the car, robbed the mother and kids, and then raped the women in front of her kids. In countless TV interviews, Lahore's most senior police officer, Umer Sheikh, was questioning why the mother didn't check her fuel before leaving, or why she didn't stop at a busier rode instead, this is implying he was blaming the victim. She supposedly contacted emergency helplines, but she never got the help. 

The whole aftermath of the Motorway gang rape, countless amount of women from across Pakistan have come out and wrote to the Prime Minister, for a policy against victim-blaming, and the continuation of rape culture. The Prime Minister refused to talk about the women's perspective. By the statements put out by Imran Khan, it shows how he is a rape apologist [they are ones who defend the act of rape and say that it is not a serious crime, or that consent is not necessary]. This case created massive protests, as the women of Pakistan used their voice to move for change, to voice their anger. 

By the BBC they held a statistic stating that: "There are at least 11 rape cases reported in Pakistan every day, according to official statistics. Over 22,000 rape cases were reported to police across the country in the past six years, however, only 77 accused have been convicted, which is 0.3% of the total figure." BBC's Statistic

I want to put it out there that rape will never be the victim's fault, it is always the rapist's fault. Clothing is not consent, being drunk is not consent, and especially if you are a minor that is not consent. I pray that your voices be heard, stay safe. 

petition to sign: 

  capital punishment for rape in Pakistan


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