
 If you don't know what is happening this is for you.

This post is going to be about:

Palestine and their cry for help.

This is what is happening in Sheikh Jarrah right now. The Israeli government has decided to allow Israeli settlers to move into Palestinian homes, which means they are forcing people to move out of their homes they have had for generations, they are colonizing their homes and displacing them making them homeless. They have made appeals to Israeli courts to keep their homes, but Palestinians in occupied Jerusalem do not have equal rights, and their appeal will most likely be thrown away. Because of this Palenstanains have been doing peaceful protests so that there is support for their families. Because of these protests Israeli forces have been attacking, shooting, and killing innocent people, that are fighting for their rights. Israeli have also attacked Al Aqsa mosque, which is the 3rd holiest site in Islam, and now they are attacking Gaza. As of today, 21 people have died and 15 of them are children. This violence is clear ethnic cleansing, Israeli are taking control over the lives of innocent people. 

Summary of what is happening:
the background :
Palestine is a country in the middle east and it has been inhabited by Muslim, Christian, and Jewish Palestinians for a very very long time. In 1948, Zionists (one that supports and believes in the development and protection of Israel) forced around half of the indigenous population out of their homes, so that they could create 'Isreal'. Since this time, Isreal has never stopped taking more and more of Palestinian land, this means that now very little land is labelled as Palestinian Land. 

Main points : 
- All the events happening are not part of a conflict, Israelis are colonising and occupying Palestine. This is ethnic cleansing 
- Isreal has the tendency to spread misinformation about all the events taking place. They are backed up by other large settler colonies such as the USA

Gaza, Palestine : 
Gaza is an area that is in Palestine which has been separated from the rest of the country, because of Israeli colonisation. 

Israeli forces are throwing stun grenades, they are shooting rubber bullets at Palestinians inside Al Aqsa mosque, which simultaneously trapping them inside the mosque. Tons were wounded, but medics were not allowed through to treat those who were injured. 

Overall people innocent people are being killed and removed from their homes, these homes have been here since they were refugees, all that history being thrown away because Israel wants more land. 
" I have beautiful memories from this house. It was like heaven after our exodus." - Samira Dajani, her family have been in Sheikh Jarrah since 1956 after years as refugees. 

Ways to help : 
- Educate yourself and raise awareness it helps a lot more than you think 
save Palestine

I pray for the families affected by Isreal and wish everyone the best. I hope one day everything goes to peace but until then stay safe and take care. 


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