what is happening in Afganistan right now.

 If you don't know what is happening this is for you. 

This post is going to be about : 

The Fall Of Afganistan And Its Impact. 

                                                            Short summary :
In Afghanistan, the Taliban have seized power, with fighters storming the presidential palace and gunfire erupting at Kabul's airport as thousands attempted to leave the country. The Taliban are taking control over the country and enforcing rules and regulations, in essence controlling the country completely, and when someone goes against these rules, harsh punishments are taken place ( such as execution ). 

This control and death is horrifying and to fully understand what is going on you need to understand the history. 

                                                The history behind what is happening :

who are the Taliban?
The Taliban is an extreme Islamic group, which has ruled Afghanistan from the years 1996 - 2001.  They say they are followers of Islam. ( I would like to quickly disclose that what the Taliban are doing is not the belief of Islam, they go against one of the main parts of Islam which is peace. So please do not generalize Islam as a hateful religion because of a group of extremists. ) They have been fighting to take back control of Afghanistan and they want to apply their own stricter version of the Sharia law. 

The Taliban are banning many things such as 
- Education for girls 
- Television 
- Music 
- Drama 
Men were forced into growing beards and women were forced into wearing burkas ( It is a form of clothing which is a one-piece that covers the face and body of a woman. ) People who live under the Taliban control could be severely punished if they were to break their rules. The Taliban have also been accused of many forms of abuse ( such as human rights and culture ). 

Kabul : 
Kabul is a city in Afghanistan. It was one of the last major cities in Afganistan where the Taliban haven't taken over, but now recently the Taliban have taken over. Fighters have also taken over the presidential palace and President Asharaf Ghani has left for Uzbekistan. The former Afghan president Hamid Karzai has offered to lead the Taliban's power transition. 

                                        Further explanation as to what is happening : 

how did the Taliban even get back into control :
Over the last 20 years, the US has supported the Afghan government that was put in place following the war that was there. But Joe Biden (President of the US), has stated in April (2021) that all the American forces would have to leave Afghanistan by 11th September. Over the period of a few months, the Taliban have slowly taken control of territories which were around Afghanistan, but now recently the areas of land they have taken control over have increased drastically.   

why was there a war in Afghanistan? : 
Nearly 3,000 people were killed in the 9/11 terrorist attacks in New York and Washington, D.C., in September 2001. Since then the US suspected that the assaults were carried out by al-Qaeda and its leader, Osama Bin Laden. Bin Laden was believed to be under the Taliban's protection. 

International pressure was applied to Afghan leaders to hand over Osama Bin Laden. When the Taliban had refused to do so, the US chose to deploy military force. The US intervened militarily to depose the Taliban and promised to support democracy in Afghanistan. A new Afghan government has been established. 

If the Taliban were to be in charge again what exactly would happen? : 
Many are showing their concern mainly for the women of Afganistan, the restriction that would be put on them. Considering them to have already started to enforce choice of clothing, and ability to work, in some parts of the country. 


Because of the fear and uncertainty over what could potentially happen under the Taliban's rule, thousands of citizens are trying their best to escape Kabul. The panic that came in Kabul because of the Taliban's rising control has caused many to leave to the airports, some even plan on going by foot just to leave the country. But the flights have been put on hold for the citizens for the priority given to the US military, that is evacuating as well. 

this is the flight with over 600 people trying to flee their once home.

Ways to help :              
- certain people you can follow on Instagram for more education 
- raising awareness helps the most and please use your privilege to educate, and inform yourself.  

                                                                Further information : 

Innocent men, women, and children are losing their homes because of the Taliban's actions and they are losing their human rights, no person should be stripped from their rights it is unfair, and I pray that everyone can come to safety and takes care. 


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