needle spiking in the UK

 If you do not know what is going on this is for you. 

This post is going to be about : 

Needle spiking cases in the UK. 

*Aswell as general spiking*

What is it?

People are "needle spiking" the majority of women on the street. Police all through the UK are carrying out various investigations as to what is in these needles, it is believed that these needles are consistent with a commonly used spike drug; Rohypnol (roofle) also known as Gamma Hydroxybutyrate (GHB), this drug is commonly known as a "date-rape drug". This drug is also used to spike drinks at bars, it makes people feel dizzy, confused, disorientated and when you wake up you feel hungover, in essence, it makes the person lose control over their body making them completely vulnerable. People are drugging innocent women and men on the street and in school making them lose consciousness, then raping and sexually harassing them. 

By definition from "needle spiking" is: "where someone is injected with drugs without their knowledge" 

What do we know so far?
* It is as of 23rd October, the NPCC (National Police Chiefs' Council) has collected a total of 198 reports of drink spiking and added on 56 reports of needle spiking. 
* Two men, who are 18 and 19, have been arrested in less than a month, young women and men have been jabbed with "something sharp" 
* There is an HIV risk. When injected with this drug it is possible that if not properly sanitized can not only cause them to have the effect of the drug but can also risk the chance of getting HIV 

Experts are saying that being spiked by a needle is unlikely on a larger scale : 
* John Slaughter (senior forensic scientist) believes that although it is completely plausible that people could and did inject people with drugs, it is not as likely that injecting would be as simple in a wider range. 
" If someone is jabbed with a syringe then their reflex action is going to be to move away within a second or two " 
" The opportunity for someone to actually inject enough drug from that syringe to have the effect, I would think, is fairly low. I'm not saying it's absolutely impossible, I'm just saying that, in my opinion, it's unlikely " 

Across the country, there have been multiple cases of women being drugged while going out, there is now a group of students that are boycotting nightclubs to ensure "spiking outbreak is taken seriously". 
Incidents of spiking have also occurred in Scotland and Londonderry in Northern Ireland. So many people are being affected by drugging daily just to be taken advantage of in their vulnerable state, and it is terrible. People have been drugged which left them in a near-death state for instance the case of Millie Taplin. 
Case of Millie Taplin : 
Millie Taplin who is 18, was taken to the hospital on Saturday after she became sick during a night out. Millie's mom believes that a substance was put into her drink. Mille also said that she started feeling hot and sick after taking a few sips of her drink, that had been bought for her, she had told her friends she needed to get some fresh air. But a little time after she went outside she felt sick and dizzy. She told her friends that she needed to go to the hospital. 
" I couldn't really walk they had to get a wheelchair for me, it was like I was trying to move my legs but they weren't moving." 
Because of what happened to Millie, Claire now feels anxious to even let her daughter go out of the house. What happened to Millie happens to so many innocent men and women all around the world. Millie was so lucky that her friends were there to help her, because of their quick thinking Millie is okay now, but this case clearly shows what happens to people every day except some people do not get the chance to get help. Millie was left in such a bad state that she had a seizure, which shows how bad spiking can get. 

Millie before and after she got spiked 

references : 

I hope that these spiking cases get resolved, stay safe and take care, always be with someone and keep an eye out. 


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