AIDS awareness month

 If you don't know what is going on this is for you.

This post is going to be about :

" The month of December's awareness" 

Every month there is a certain topic that is raised into awareness, and the month of December is AIDS / HIV awareness month. AIDS / HIV awareness month is so vital so that people are able to understand the precautions necessary to reduce the rate of HIV or AIDS. HIV / AIDS programs and awareness like this one are here to help people become aware of what are the dangers of this disease, what causes them, how they can take care of themselves and the people around them. 

What is AIDS/HIV ?  
AIDS = "acquired immunodeficiency syndrome"
HIV = "human immunodeficiency virus" 

HIV is a virus that attacks our body's immune system. If HIV is not be treated it can and will most likely lead to AIDS. As of now, there isn't a cure for HIV, once you get it, you have it forever. But HIV can always be controlled with the right medical care. 

What causes HIV/AIDS ?
There are many causes as to what leads to HIV which then leads to AIDS, the main ones are as follows 
- Unsanitaized needles 
- Sexual contact 
- Blood  
- Mother to child during pregnancy 
As well as many more. 

As you can see many things lead to HIV/AIDS but what really happens when you get HIV or AIDS ?

When or if you get HIV your immune system is gravely harmed. You'll be more vulnerable to secondary infections, and cancers. Many of which would not normally cause any illnesses in someone with a sound immune system.
Transition into AIDS : 
As of now because of better medical care and treatments, the time it takes to transition from HIV to AIDS takes about 8-10 years. Certain signs/symptoms that lead to the idea you may have AIDS include (keep in mind to never self diagnose yourself but if you apply to these get checked up by your doctors) :
- Sweating 
- Chills 
- Constant fevers 
- Diarrhea 
- Swollen lymph glands (lymph glands are a part of your immune system they filter the substances that travel through your lymphatic fluid, they contain white blood cells (lymphocytes) which help fight infections) 
- Constant white sports on your tongue or mouth 
- Unexplained tiredness 
- Weight loss 
- Rashes or Bumps 
and more. 

How does HIV even turn into AIDS ? 
HIV destroys your White Blood Cells, and that means the fewer White Blood Cells you have the higher the chance of illnesses and therefore the weaker your immune system. You can still have HIV with fewer amounts of symptoms, for many years before it actually turns into AIDS. AIDS is when you have White Blood Cells below 200, or when you have a condition that defines AIDS, like big infections or cancer, "AIDS is diagnosed when the CD4 T cell count falls below 200 or you have an AIDS-defining complication, such as serious infection or cancer" (CD4 T is white blood cells) 

references + more information 

Remember to stay safe and take care. 
(There are no petitions for this topic but educating yourself and others is the most important in this situation, by educating yourself and others the rate of HIV / AIDS will reduce immensely. Which leads to a better lifestyle.) 


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